"The best of you is the one who studies the Qur'aan and teaches it (to others)." (Narrated by al-Bukhari)
Juz 'Amma, which is the 30th or last juz of our holy al-Qur-an, is the most frequent part we hear and read most often. When we first learned to read al-Qur-an in childhood, the first thing we learned was to read and memorize the short letters contained in Juz 'Amma. Additionally, most of the mosques in mosques read the short letters contained in juz 'Amma, rather than reading letters in other juz-juz, either in full or in the form of mail fragments. So that the letters are so familiar and familiar in our ears. Even many of us who memorize the letters are out of the head.
Juz 'Amma is the juz with the largest number of letters. There are 37 letters in it. Started with an-Naba 'letter and end with an-Naas letter. Most of the letters, which are as many as 34 letters, are Makkiyyah letters, which are letters that came down before the Prophet emigrated to Medina. The remaining three letters, al-Bayyinah, az-Zalzalah and an-Nashr are the letters of Madaniyyah, which is the letter down after the Messenger of Allah Alaihi Wassalam migrated to Medina.
The distinctive features of the Makkiyyah letters are that the short paragraph, the sentence structure is very beautiful and touched, literally high and full of irreverent strong arguments that undermine the paradigm and beliefs of the idolaters. A great deal of discussion reminds people of the power of Allah Ta'ala in the universe, the Hereafter, the encounter with God and the Day of Judgment. It's all written in short sentences, with a very beautiful and very touching language.
In addition, in Juz 'Amma there are many letters that have a priority. Among them are al-Ikhlash, al-Falaq, an-Naas and others. About the letter of al-Ikhlas for example, the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wassalam said:
"For the Essence of my soul is in His Hands, indeed (surat al-Ikhlash) is comparable to one third of the Qur'an." (Narrated by al-Bukhari).
And there are still many other priorities related to the letters in Juz 'Amma.
The question is, have we ever wondered to find out the meaning and content contained in the letters that are familiar in our ears? In it there are many important and very valuable secrets that we can boast of, more than just read or we hear. Intri before this is composed of the sura sura amma.